Operational insurances

Operational Risk is the risk of human, process, system, or technological failure as well as risks from external events. These risks can be mitigated using Professional Liability Insurance, Directors & Officers Liability Insurance, Crime/Fidelity insurance, including cyber insurance, as well as insurance for adjacent risk areas that can potentially be mitigated by using insurance.

The insurance market for operational insurance has been challenging the past few years. This has generated an increased demand for specialized broker services. It is more than ever important to find the insurer(s) that offers the best available insurance coverage at the best available price in the market. This often involves that the Nordic, as well as the international insurance market, must be explored in tender processes and that larger limits of insurance must be syndicated with several different insurers.  


Professional Liability Insurance

Professional Liability is a liability coverage designed to protect professionals against liability incurred as a result of errors and omissions in performing their professional services.

 We have long experience of assisting various professionals with their professional liability insurance. We have assisted several of the largest law firms in Norway with their Professional Liability Insurance for a number of years. In addition, we have assisted several key players in the private equity market and other professionals including auditors, financial advisers and IT companies.


Directors & Officers Liability Insurance

Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance is a type of liability insurance covering directors and officers for claims which may arise while serving on a board of directors and/or as an officer. The board and management are personal liable for their decisions and actions taken within the scope of their regular duties. It is therefore crucial to mitigate this exposure with a D&O insurance that reduces this risk in an adequate manner. In addition, to protecting the management and the board's personal liability, the insurance will protect the company's balance sheet against such claims.

We have assisted numerous companies with D&O insurance over the past 14 years, ranging from small companies to large international listed companies as well as various financial institutions.


Initial Public Offering (IPO) and Issuer Guarantee Insurance (Book Builder Insurance / BBI)

When undertaking a public offering, the signatories of the prospectus have a personal responsibility for its content and could therefore be held personally liable for the losses of securities holders arising from misrepresentation within the prospectus. Many organizations purchase an Initial Public Offering (IPO) insurance also called Public Offering of Security Insurance (POSI) alongside their existing D&O policy. A separate IPO insurance ring-fences securities exposures in a single premium and transaction specific policy.

We have assisted several companies with IPOs in the Nordics with tailormade solutions that covers the relevant prospectus responsibility.

In addition, we have assisted companies that go public in establishing issuer guarantee insurance (Book Builder Insurance). This is an insurance solution tailored to supplement issuer guarantees so that the facilitator is indemnified for losses that occur in connection with the transaction.


Crime and cyber insurance

Crime insurance provides broad coverage to protect your business against a wide range of criminal activity. Almost half of all companies are exposed to financial crime, see for example https://www.pwc.no/no/pwc-aktuelt/pwcs-cybercrime-survey.html

The insurance market has experienced challenges adapting to these exposure and has suffered large losses in this segment in the recent years. This leaves special requirements and need for specialized broker assistance and tailoring of the insurance to match the relevant exposure.

We have assisted a number of financial and commercial companies in tailoring insurance solutions adapted to the relevant exposure.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss any of the above mentioned in further detail.
